Lady Nike


I will be your Coach, Cheerleader, Counselor, Comrade, Confidante, Coordinator, Cousin, Chef and maybe even your personal Comedian throughout this journey, cause let's face it ladies sometimes we just need to laugh to stop the  crying. So, I thought I'd take the time to tell you a little about myself and how we are about to journey together in faith. 

So let's start with the fact that after graduating with three degrees, getting married, having one daughter, and living in a tiny condo, I was still left broke and broken, with a total breakdown.  Sis, nothing in my life seemed to be working the way I thought and I simply wasn't fulfilled; I was depressed! It was at one of my lowest points in life when God told me, "Nike I have given you a license (that is the grace) to carry this pain which will be birthed into purpose!" He said, "you will not break, but surely elevate, because My Hand is upon you!" Hearing God like this  changed my mindset and led me to write a devotional, start a boot-camp, and now a full-fledged course to help you out of your rut to walk into your heavenly destination right here on earth!  

Girl, if you can name it, I've likely been there or close to it, and now I want to help you turn your pain into purpose! It will transform your life and I'm a living testimony of what God can do!  

Ready to get started?


Join one of my online courses to get guidance for every step of your purpose-filled journey!

License Combaters


License to Carry Bootcamp is the answer you need for your midday push! We know that Wednesday is hump day, and 12N is the hump hour to get you moving towards your purpose!

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Belly Bundle

Bible. Business. Boys. Babies

What's the Belly Bundle: It's everything you're probably carrying in your belly and it's catered to entrepreneurs! It's all about Bible, Business, Boys, and Babies! You don't want to miss this course! So ask yourself is God wrapped up in your bundle of joy? If He's not, it's time that you placed Him there!

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Carrying for Two


Get individualized guidance & mentorship to help you carry your assignment as a wife, mother, sister, entrepreneur, or ministry leader without miscarrying or aborting it!

Book now

License Carriers

Partner with us! Anyone can carry, as God placed our purpose within us even before we were in our mothers wombs! So if you're not ready to train for combat, we would love to know that you are holding hands with us, helping us to push others forward! 

Partner Today

Stay Connected


Girl, don't miss another email or text to keep you uplifted throughout your week! Sign up today to ensure you CARRY this thing out!